Our commitment
to Sustainability

Our commitment to Sustainability

The objective of FILMIN is to embrace the global challenge of seeking sustainability in all aspects and to work with and for people, the planet and the community.

Sustainability is key to FILMIN’s corporate strategy, which is guided by a dedicated framework that aligns with current public policies and initiatives, particularly the 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy.

We promote healthy practices and the professional development of our staff in a respectful and nondiscriminatory environment, integrating equal opportunities and encouraging a good work-life balance.

Our objective is to minimise the environmental impacts of FILMIN’s activities, aligning with international initiatives that promote a circular economy and counteracting the challenges posed by the declared state of climate and environmental emergency. As part of our efforts, we aim to reduce and offset greenhouse  gas emissions to achieve climate neutrality.

We work to promote the pluralism and integrity of the content distributed and/or produced by FILMIN.

We want to encourage transparency around sustainability to satisfy the demand for information from all interested parties, increasing their access and involvement.

We work to foster and promote mechanisms that ensure good practice in matters of governance, legal compliance, ethics and security of the information used.

Based on the principles of transparency, accuracy, trust and good faith.

We boost strategic monitoring and intelligence to ensure an innovative, high-quality product.

We analyse and manage the impact of Filmin in our environment to identify opportunities for community development. This includes strengthening local partnerships and actively participating in organisations that promote behaviours and commitments that align with the guiding principles of our Sustainability Policy.

Commitment to energy and climate change


We are committed to achieving 0 net emissions in 2050

Through specific actions as part of an emission reduction plan


Reducing our Carbon Footprint by 56% in 2030


Commitment to Net Zero in 2050


We have been growing for more than 15 years,
striving to improve with each action and each step.

– 40% in GHG emissions

We’re more sustainable every day

The energy consumed by our offices and servers is electric and guaranteed to be from renewable sources. In 2023, we reduced our Scope 2 (Direct) GHG emissions by 40%. We also committed to sustainable mobility, proper waste management and promoting sustainable internal practices.

Projects with impact

We offset 100% of our carbon footprint

In 2023, we offset 51 tonnes of CO2 in the Ganluo Camp Hydropower Project in the Tibetan region of the Sichuan province in China. We have also collaborated on other projects such as the conservation project in Madre de Dios in the Peruvian Amazon.


Cinema with environmental themes and perspectives

We collaborate with film production companies and festivals with an environmental focus, such as the International Environmental Film Festival in Barcelona.


Content with an environmental focus

Our catalogue features a wide range of content related to environmental awareness

Many collaborations have arisen from our commitment to culture, education and community

Over the last four years, we’ve initiated collaborations with some of the most important social festivals in Spain, which are either dedicated to Human Rights or highlight the role of female directors.

We also collaborate with a festival organised by students who choose from the Filmin catalogue and curate the channel, as well as a festival dedicated to senior citizens.

Our business partner Vodafone is a member of the Green Digital Coalition of the European Commission.

Structured film education programme in schools and institutes.

A pioneering project bringing cinema to classrooms. An initiative by the festivals in Seville, Huelva, Málaga, Sitges and Valladolid.

A film contest committed to sustainability and climate change.

A film contest committed to social transformation.

XVI Film and Human Rights Festival of Valencia

V edition of the Barcelona Youth Film Festival

VI Edition of the International Documentary Film Festival on Gender

International Film Festival for the Elderly in Barcelona

Human Rights Film Festival of Catalonia

Festival to showcase to the work of women filmmakers

Film festival to promote coexistence

Filmin collaborates with ODA and supports diversity, which is part of our DNA. We have created the ODA Channel on Filmin and the FILMIN X ODA film club.

The ODAs Annual Report analyses the image that is portrayed of LGBTIQA+ people, racialised people and people with disabilities in Spanish audiovisual fiction..


Filmin also collaborates with some of the largest NGOs in the world

Without Borders

Human conflicts, survival and dignity

The NGO recommends stories on the Doctors Without Borders channel. We donate 100% of the funds raised by the Doctors Without Borders productions.


Partners against inequality

We have created the collection Desigualdad S.A. with films and series that bring visibility to inequalities exposed by Oxfam in its Annual Report.


Human Rights in cinema

The films and documentaries on the Amnesty International channel report on conflicts and defend Human Rights.


Filmin and the Juvanteny Fundation

For almost 20 years, Fundació Concepció Juvanteny has been working to improve the life and future of boys and girls at risk of social exclusion.

Since 2022, we have been collaborating with the Juvanteny Foundation in various initiatives:

Reconditioning computer equipment to give it a second life and donating it to their community shelters, offering access to Filmin Kids to children and adolescents.

Providing warm clothes for residents at three shelters.

Collaborating in the funding of the AIDA unit (Comprehensive Approach to Abuse). The AIDA Comprehensive Approach to Abuse Unit is a service that works to provide relief for boys and girls who have been victims of abuse. It provides pioneering care based on four pillars: empowerment of the child, comprehensive support for the victim and their family, reduction of the number of sessions needed and legal support.


Filmin and the Juvanteny Fundation

For almost 20 years, Fundació Concepció Juvanteny has been working to improve the life and future of boys and girls at risk of social exclusion.

Since 2022, we have been collaborating with the Juvanteny Foundation in various initiatives:

Reconditioning computer equipment to give it a second life and donating it to their community shelters, offering access to Filmin Kids to children and adolescents.

Providing warm clothes for residents at three shelters.

Collaborating in the funding of the AIDA unit (Comprehensive Approach to Abuse). The AIDA Comprehensive Approach to Abuse Unit is a service that works to provide relief for boys and girls who have been victims of abuse. It provides pioneering care based on four pillars: empowerment of the child, comprehensive support for the victim and their family, reduction of the number of sessions needed and legal support.


Ethical culture

Our objective is to foster a culture of integrity and transparency

At Filmin, we have a whistleblowing channel designed to facilitate the swift and confidential reporting of any irregularities that may entail regulatory breaches. This channel is available to all employees, suppliers, customers and any other external person who has knowledge of any situation that may be considered misconduct.

Our objective is to promote a culture of integrity and transparency in which all those involved feel comfortable and safe when providing information on any situation that may go against the values and principles of our organisation.

Communications can be submitted anonymously, ensuring the confidentiality of the information provided and protecting the whistleblowing from possible retaliation. All allegations received will be analysed objectively and impartially, and the corresponding measures will be taken to address and remedy any irregularity detected.

We believe in the importance of fostering a culture of ethics and regulatory compliance in our organisation. We encourage all those involved to use our whistleblowing channel to help us maintain a safe, honest and fair work environment for all. Together, we can build a stronger and more reliable organisation for the benefit of everyone here.